Explore my therapy
Individual & Couples

Struggling to be seen, heard or even known? Confidential relationship enhancement with a focus on the solution rather than a problem.

Know you need personalised, more private session work? My approach is based on solution-building rather than problem solving.
Explore my therapy
Individual & Couples Coaching

Struggling to be seen, heard or even known? Confidential relationship enhancement with a focus on the solution rather than a problem.

Know you need personalised, more private session work? My approach is based on solution-building rather than problem solving.

Do You Need Help?
I have both daytime and evening office hours available.
Do You Need Help?
I have both daytime and evening office hours available.
Do You Need Help?
I have both daytime and evening office hours available.

My tips
How to save your intimacy
and relationship
Go back to the beginning. Ask yourself: What drew me to this person to begin with? What qualities did they possess that I found valuable? What made them so amazing? And are they still? Reevaluating the reasons you came together reminds you of the reasons to stay together, and this strengthens your already-existing foundation.
The Stories of Success

My tips
How to save your intimacy
and relationship
Go back to the beginning. Ask yourself: What drew me to this person to begin with? What qualities did they possess that I found valuable? What made them so amazing? And are they still? Reevaluating the reasons you came together reminds you of the reasons to stay together, and this strengthens your already-existing foundation.
The Stories of Success

My tips
How to save your intimacy and relationship
Go back to the beginning. Ask yourself: What drew me to this person to begin with? What qualities did they possess that I found valuable? What made them so amazing? And are they still? Reevaluating the reasons you came together reminds you of the reasons to stay together, and this strengthens your already-existing foundation.
The Stories of Success
Questions about therapy
The Most Common Questions
How will I know if I need your coaching?
I want to be able to trust again. Can you help me?
Do you see dating couples?
How does this work?
Questions about therapy
The Most Common Questions
How will I know if I need your coaching?
I want to be able to trust again. Can you help me?
Do you see dating couples?
How does this work?
Read my blog
Latest Articles & Tips

Q: How to keep a relationship alive, especially the intimacy part after children?
A: If there was ever a universal question amongst parents, it would be this one!

Q: My husband is a chronic cheater and he doesn’t even hide it anymore. I’m numb and don’t say anything, but I’ve had enough. I feel there is nothing left in the marriage and now I wish I had left years ago. Can you help me?
A: I am so sorry that you are feeling this way and I can tell you are drained of all emotion by your description of feeling numb. It tells me you have reached the end of the road in your relationship, therefore my hope is that my words bring you both comfort and strength.
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