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I have both daytime and evening office hours available.

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As the Bare Naked Coach, I know that achieving authentic and healthy relationships is only possible when we learn how to be Truthfully Naked. My role is to carefully peel back the layers of your stories, assess the true root of the intimacy disconnect, and co-generate workable solutions for you both.

Couples coaching

Keep Your Love

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Couples coaching

Keep Your Love

I am a certified

Sex therapist and relationship specialist

I feel it is a privilege to be a therapist. I love my work. I take a creative and collaborative approach in my practice, researching innovative techniques and information to help you make the changes you desire.

I am a certified

Sex therapist and relationship specialist

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I feel it is a privilege to be a therapist. I love my work. I take a creative and collaborative approach in my practice, researching innovative techniques and information to help you make the changes you desire.

My tips

How to save your intimacy
and relationship

Go back to the beginning. Ask yourself: What drew me to this person to begin with? What qualities did they possess that I found valuable? What made them so amazing? And are they still? Reevaluating the reasons you came together reminds you of the reasons to stay together, and this strengthens your already-existing foundation.

The Stories of Success

“For quite some time, I have been searching for someone who would be real, fair, and who wouldn’t take sides or be influenced by a person’s financial status. My spouse and I have spoken to more than five different marriage counselors, and Maggie is the first one to validate what I was experiencing during my relationship. For this, I am truly grateful. Maggie, you are a blessing to the world.”



“We highly recommend Maggie! My husband and I visited her for couples therapy to work on improving our communication. Throughout our many sessions, she was professional, understanding, and fair to both of us. She listened and understood our concerns and then provided valuable tools on ways to improve. Maggie also challenged us to correct specific behaviors that were negatively affecting our relationship. We are very thankful that we decided to seek couples therapy with her, as our relationship has improved drastically. If you are considering visiting a couples therapist, Maggie is the best!”

S & D

“I went to Maggie when I began to explore my bisexuality and she helped me accept myself and overcome my questions, confusions, and fears. It’s been two years, and I still go to Maggie for advice because the questions never end. I love her so much for always being there for me and helping me grow into the woman I am. It was nerve-racking and still is at times; but I’m proud of me, Colleen, and my sexuality.”



” Maggie literally saved my life.  She gave me the insight to face difficult challenges I had previously been avoiding and postponing.  I’m slowly adjusting to the new normal and a much happier, healthier mental space.  Thanks Maggie for your patience and expert counselling “


“When I met Maggie, I thought I was broken. I’d had sexual challenges since I was fifteen years old and, at thirty-three, I was convinced that I just wasn’t a sexual person and even that intimacy was impossible for me. Maggie helped me move beyond the shame and guilt, and build extreme confidence in my ability to build and maintain a mind-blowing relationship. I will no longer settle for anything less than ‘rock solid love.’ It is so amazing to truly know that every relationship I have for the rest of my life will just get better and better because of what I’ve learned from her.”



“Maggie has proven to me that being a therapist is actually a calling. Deciding to see her was the best thing I could have ever done in my marriage. If you are thinking about therapy, I strongly advise you book time with Maggie, and do it sooner than later! She is completely fair and unbiased and is so much more than an intimacy coach. Maggie helped me, and yes, she can help you too. I will never forget the kindness she exuded during one of the hardest times we have gone through as a couple. BOOK NOW! You won’t regret it! “


“In early 2023, when my relationship was rocked by the discovery of my partner’s infidelity, I sent Maggie an email explaining the betrayal and brokenness. She agreed to meet with us as a couple, and she was professional and impartial. With her help, we were able to reconnect and rediscover the love we lost.”

S & M

“Maggie is amazing! She has helped my spouse and I bring our marriage back from a place we didn’t think it could escape. There’s more work to do, but she’s helped us get well on our way. Couldn’t be more grateful!”


“Like many men, I thought being a good husband meant working hard and providing financial security and a good standard of living. What I did not understand, until I found Maggie, was that by working long hours, I was not giving my wife the emotional security she needed. I was shaken to my core when she told me she had stopped loving me and was seeing another man. With Maggie’s guidance, I was able to avoid a complete emotional meltdown and rebalance my life. Thanks to Maggie, I am happy, my wife is happy, and I feel like a teenager in love again!”



My tips

How to save your intimacy
and relationship

Go back to the beginning. Ask yourself: What drew me to this person to begin with? What qualities did they possess that I found valuable? What made them so amazing? And are they still? Reevaluating the reasons you came together reminds you of the reasons to stay together, and this strengthens your already-existing foundation.

The Stories of Success

“I believe that because people are uniquely different, conflict is inevitable. It is a miracle that any of us can navigate relationships successfully without support and coaching from an expert. My sessions with Maggie have cultivated a more self-aware understanding, so that I can show up healthy and whole in my relationship. A healthy relationship is often the result of realizing that you don’t have all the answers. The wisdom, insight, and practical tools given have caused me to grow in my understanding to reignite the flames in my struggling relationship. Maggie is simply the best.”


“For quite some time, I have been searching for someone who would be real, fair, and who wouldn’t take sides or be influenced by a person’s financial status. My spouse and I have spoken to more than five different marriage counselors, and Maggie is the first one to validate what I was experiencing during my relationship. For this, I am truly grateful. Maggie, you are a blessing to the world.”



“Maggie’s great listening ear and brilliant guidance has completely restored my true self, otherwise hampered by life’s experiences. She taught me how to open myself up to the world and allow opportunity to abound. I followed her advice and welcomed in LOVE… and I found it – a Rock Solid LOVE!”



“Like many men, I thought being a good husband meant working hard and providing financial security and a good standard of living. What I did not understand, until I found Maggie, was that by working long hours, I was not giving my wife the emotional security she needed. I was shaken to my core when she told me she had stopped loving me and was seeing another man. With Maggie’s guidance, I was able to avoid a complete emotional meltdown and rebalance my life. Thanks to Maggie, I am happy, my wife is happy, and I feel like a teenager in love again!”



“Our sessions with Maggie truly helped us unlock greater and deeper intimacy within our relationship. We are very thankful because her expertise and practical guidance helped us push past our individual relational and mental roadblocks toward a healthier bond and improved response to sexual intimacy.”

B & G

B & G

“Maggie is amazing! She has helped my spouse and I bring our marriage back from a place we didn’t think it could escape. There’s more work to do, but she’s helped us get well on our way. Couldn’t be more grateful!”


“Maggie’s compassion and insightfulness has provided me with tremendous support through recent struggles. Her positive guidance and attentiveness helped me to actively seek solutions to my problems. Her subtle way of allowing me to self-realize has helped me create positive change in my life. If you are serious about making a positive change or moving to another level in your relationship or personal life, work with Maggie. You won’t regret it.”



“I went to Maggie when I began to explore my bisexuality and she helped me accept myself and overcome my questions, confusions, and fears. It’s been two years, and I still go to Maggie for advice because the questions never end. I love her so much for always being there for me and helping me grow into the woman I am. It was nerve-racking and still is at times; but I’m proud of me, Colleen, and my sexuality.”



“Maggie has proven to me that being a therapist is actually a calling. Deciding to see her was the best thing I could have ever done in my marriage. If you are thinking about therapy, I strongly advise you book time with Maggie, and do it sooner than later! She is completely fair and unbiased and is so much more than an intimacy coach. Maggie helped me, and yes, she can help you too. I will never forget the kindness she exuded during one of the hardest times we have gone through as a couple. BOOK NOW! You won’t regret it! “


My tips

How to save your intimacy and relationship

Go back to the beginning. Ask yourself: What drew me to this person to begin with? What qualities did they possess that I found valuable? What made them so amazing? And are they still? Reevaluating the reasons you came together reminds you of the reasons to stay together, and this strengthens your already-existing foundation.

The Stories of Success

” Maggie literally saved my life.  She gave me the insight to face difficult challenges I had previously been avoiding and postponing.  I’m slowly adjusting to the new normal and a much happier, healthier mental space.  Thanks Maggie for your patience and expert counselling “


“Like many men, I thought being a good husband meant working hard and providing financial security and a good standard of living. What I did not understand, until I found Maggie, was that by working long hours, I was not giving my wife the emotional security she needed. I was shaken to my core when she told me she had stopped loving me and was seeing another man. With Maggie’s guidance, I was able to avoid a complete emotional meltdown and rebalance my life. Thanks to Maggie, I am happy, my wife is happy, and I feel like a teenager in love again!”



“Maggie is amazing! She has helped my spouse and I bring our marriage back from a place we didn’t think it could escape. There’s more work to do, but she’s helped us get well on our way. Couldn’t be more grateful!”


Read my blog

Latest Articles & Tips

Ask Maggie & Get Answers- Keeping It Hot After Children

Q: How to keep a relationship alive, especially the intimacy part after children?


A: If there was ever a universal question amongst parents, it would be this one! 

Ask Maggie & Get Answers – Chronic Cheater

Q: My husband is a chronic cheater and he doesn’t even hide it anymore. I’m numb and don’t say anything, but I’ve had enough. I feel there is nothing left in the marriage and now I wish I had left years ago. Can you help me?

A: I am so sorry that you are feeling this way and I can tell you are drained of all emotion by your description of feeling numb. It tells me you have reached the end of the road in your relationship, therefore my hope is that my words bring you both comfort and strength. 

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